Premium property leaders in Vilnius

We make more premium property deals than any other agency in Vilnius.

More than 500 exclusive property deals in 2023.

Premium property offers for sale in Vilnius

Choose from exclusive offers bellow or contact us and Rebaltic agents will really put in the effort to find the best options for You according to the requirements

Kryžiokų g., Balsiai

278 m², 12 a, 5 rooms

A part of a brick house is for sale in the Old Town district.

Balstogės g., Senamiestis

106 m², 3 a, 5 rooms

Unique three-bedroom apartment/house in high-end district Santariškės

Mykolo Marcinkevičiaus g., Santariškės

193 m², 3 a, 4 rooms

Blindžių g., Žvėrynas

98 m², 3 rooms

Danielių g., Žvėrynas

86 m², 3 rooms

We work for You

Looking for an exclusive property to buy or rent? With the largest quantity of premium properties in Vilnius for rent and sale, we are the number one partner for You in your search.

Would you like to sell or to rent out your exclusive property? Having had 12 years experience in the market and by applying unique marketing plan to your property we can deliver a sevice that noone else can match.